The PebbleCreek Hiking Club is now in its 21st season and is established to provide PebbleCreek residents with the opportunity to enjoy recreational hiking in an organized, safe and social environment. Safety is a key concern. Hikers are accompanied by a leader and sweep carrying an emergency satellite communicator, medical kit and walkie talkies.
The regular hiking season is from the third week of September to the first week of May. In this season the 12 hikes per week are scheduled at the following levels:
EZ Level hikes (1.0-3.0 miles) every Monday
D Level hikes (3.5-5.0 miles) every Tuesday and Thursday and sometimes Saturday.
C Level hikes (6.0-8.0 miles) every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and sometimes Saturday.
B Level hikes (up to 12 miles) every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
A Level hikes (challenging hikes with unrestricted miles and elevation gain) are held on select Mondays in November through March.
The summer hiking season is from the second week of May to the third week of September. In this season six hikes per week are scheduled at the C or D Levels. Additionally one EZ level hike is scheduled each Monday.
Prospective members must independently walk around Robson Circle twice and complete an Intro hike. Once completed, new members should then submit their registration form and dues.
MEMBERSHIP for the 2024/2025 Year
Step 1: Registration
Returning members: submit an Electronic Registration form. Hikers are reminded that participation on club hikes is a reaffirmation of the waiver they signed when they joined the club. The waiver may be reviewed here.
New members: submit an Electronic Registration form and an Electronic No-Blame Waiver.
Alternatively, paper registration documents can be found here. Print, fill in the details, sign and send to the Treasurer at the address below.
Step 2: Pay Annual Dues ($20 per member):
Electronic Payment: Send money safely through your existing bank with Zelle. Search for Recipient: PebbleCreek Hiking Club
Alternatively, checks or cash are acceptable.
Paper Registrations and Annual Dues Checks may be sent to: Michael Tansey, PCHC Treasurer, 3326 N 159th Ave, Goodyear, AZ 85395.
Hiking Club meetings are held on the third Monday of the month (September through April).
The next hiking club meeting is Monday, September 16th 2024 at 7pm at the EN Palm Room. All members and potential new members are welcome.
If you would like to order an Awards patch for the number of hikes or miles achieved and/or a PebbleCreek Hiking Club Name Tag then click here.
President: Neal Wring
VP: Tom Wick
Treasurer: Mike Tansey
Secretary: Carol Rice
PHOTO LIBRARY: To see pictures of our various hikes around Phoenix and beyond, visit the hiking club photo library housed in SmugMug. See a Club Officer to get the secret password.
CLUB HIKING METRICS: All miles hiked with the club are recorded. Special mention of hiker's milestones is made in Club Meetings, Bulletins and the Season Review Photo Page. Click here to see your mileage statistics for current and past seasons.
Send in your idea for a new hike to be added to the library
Need to improve a hike description or add a map or GPX track?
Hike Coordinator? Need to update your hike schedule?
The Special Event Committee want to know! Click below to describe your ideas for new hiking club events!
Be prepared for safely hiking in the summer heat!
Would you like to join the PC Hikers? Complete the above form so we can set up an Intro hike with you. Then see the Documents Page for registration and waiver forms. Do you have questions? Ask them in the above section and we will get back to you.